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The Winter Olympians

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albaqwerty | 16:50 Sun 23rd Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Thoroughly enjoyed most of the coverage from the Beeb.

Each and every athlete should be proud of themselves.
I hope they are.

Some sports were a bit weird, but what they heck?


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Heartbroken for Elise Christie - three tough calls.....
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the poor lass, I think she was nobbled.
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They're 'covering' her on Beeb2 right now.
Once is happenstance.
Twice is coincidence.
The third time it's enemy action.....

But why no Gold Post Boxes?
My friend Margaret, who has never shown interest in any sports, has been glued to the tele and loved watching all the events.
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aha, there's some who thinks there are no such things as coincidences.

The next conference apparently, is in June. I hope they sort the whole thing out.

I am also surprised that no formal protest was made about the judges decisions.
Words must have been uttered behind the scenes surely?
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I think L:izzie Yarnold has an unofficial gold post box in her town.

Shame it's unofficial...
Me too crafty - what do we do now?
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There's rugby next weekend...

Not the same I know.

Yeh, saw that one alba, What a mess it was.
Enjoyed these games immensely. Some of the "new" events, like the crazy downhills over that steep bumpy track were really exciting, and who would have thought we would won a gold like Lizzie did ? Bl00dy marvelous !
I have enjoyed them too.
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completely agree Mikey, half-pipe was blooming dangerous! (as most sports can be.)
Nice to see them recognised.

The beginning of the Closing Ceremony is giving me goosebumps already.
I've thoroughly enjoyed these games and thanks to the BBC, haven't missed a minute. Well done Team GB and well done to all medalist.

I'd love to at this closing ceremony, it has a wonderful celebratory atmosphere.
Good thing is they save the best to last.... the Mens Hockey final is always a show stopper, today was no exception!
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