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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:35 Mon 24th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
211 Answers
Monday again. Some stars are out and about, but they are playing hide and seek among the clouds. The wind is still making it's presence known. Getting monotonous isn't it. Roll on summer I say!

Have a happy day everyone.


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morning baldric you ok?
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Morning bernie. Good for you mate! :o}

All is well then!
yes m8 hows you?

Yeh, all ok here Bernie thanks,
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I'm fine thanks bernie. Fed up with the weather though. We need a summer like '76 to put it right. :o}
nice morning here in Bean
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Drizzle here. The type that goes on all day. :o{
believe it or not blue sky here

The sun's out here now, starting to look like that photo' I put up on page 6,
might have to go out again if the dogs are up for it!
Question Author
Enjoy it while you may! :o}

Time I got moving now.

Have a good'un both. :o}
will be back on parade tomorrow m8

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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