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Fawcett's Beer

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albaqwerty | 16:04 Mon 24th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
was in the small town this morning and noticed this rather large lorry with the above on it's side.

Wonder if you can get it on tap?


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Bit on the weak side for me alba !!! :-))
Question Author
never heard of it before Red :-)

Hope you and Rowan are both well xx
hi ya albs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mwah hows you?
Question Author
tickety boo ta Cuddlyone xx
Saw you've got a day off, is that to look for Mrs Cuddles screwdriver? :-D

How's the unit looking?
as it happens its quite nice really! no screwdriver found told her not to breathe in!
just spent £500 on carpets today for stairs and landing and bathroom, since xmas paid out £3000 all together oh the joy...!!!
Question Author
oooh, that's smart! I likes that.

Decorating is blooming expensive, pal of mine likes one at over £30 a roll, but it's only one wall she want's to do.
carpet was £16.50 a meter, they had cheaper but it was so thin
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my in-laws used to work at Stoddard's, they had some lovely carpets in their home.
i think our waterbed weekend has gone out the window this year ( low funds ) may have to be a lilo on the nearest pond xxx
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I don't mind where I polish yer shiny bits :-)
I remember paying £16 to carpet a whole room......
Question Author
That's when money meant something Boxy x
boxy i cant believe the prices one we looked out was £45 a metre

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