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Answerbank Is Addicitive

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albaqwerty | 15:45 Wed 26th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
as if we didn't already know that.

Was looking at the towels in the bathroom and wondered what on earth was on one of them.
Pick up offending brute and discovered it was only a bit of fluff.

Then I thought i'd better apologise to Fluff :-D


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lol, now I did tell you to stop writhing :-D
Is 'frisking the fluffy one' the same as having a preen?
lol shoota
I don't know what Fluff's doing in your bathroom, Fluff's under my sofa :-)
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gosh, Shoota, I hope not for Fluff's sake.

Boxy, just as well we love fluff :-D

(I've just noticed, for Fluff's sake!, alba, yer an eejit)
Alba, don't worry about your fluff...... I saw a pair of black knickers lying on a shelf in the kitchen, and wondered why they were there.... when I looked closer, it was a black bin liner

i found fluff in alba's belly button once yuk!
Why don't you wear cotton like everyone else Boxy?
Plastic pants are...... (fill in the gap as appropriate) :-)

I now have a choice - put the rubbish in my knickers, or make bloomers from the bin-liner.
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black bin liner = black shiny knickers, Boxy!!!
(does Nibble know?) ☺

oi, Cuddlyone, just don't mention the colour x

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