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Can I Change My Name

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jennyjoan | 19:17 Thu 27th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
While I am on here can I change my name ie Avatar Name without having to go into stupid emails address.

I am finding some names similar to my own and I don't like it.


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We have a jj... Jennyj?
I still call you conne, I know who you are :-)
We can call you conne, if you prefer? Do you have to put in a password to deactivate? Or just click the box?
Question Author
nah I am doing nothing - too much hassle re names - I know myself there are a few people who have come back for whatever reason under different names. I just picked that name cos I didn't think it would work. Anyway goodnight jennyjoanconne LOL xxx
Goodnight, jjc xx
night night conne xxx
You really are an enigma at times JJC!
I'm confused is jenny Connemara ?
That's correct Maizie.
Thank you Ladies x
just stay as you are jennyjoan. we will soon get used to your new name. I quite like it.
Question Author
ah yous are all a geg LOL - - enigma Eccles who me. LOL.

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Can I Change My Name

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