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That Tiresome Little Man Is On His Soapbox Again !

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mikey4444 | 09:42 Fri 28th Feb 2014 | News
62 Answers

In his speech, Mr Farage will say UKIP is the "biggest threat to the political establishment" in modern times. Well, the greatest threat to the Tory Party perhaps.


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those who sit on their fat backside in Parliament, those who have allowed this mess to continue, they are the ones to blame, and they alone. I sat in the GP surgery the other day, and a troop of people coming to register, foreign students, one by one, then the elderly who have no English, bringing the daughter or son who have a smattering, the parade was endless, i had to wait quite a while for my appointment, which is nothing new, comes with the territory, but i can't see how you can stop this. Not just the GP's but the council offices, CAB you name it, signs up saying interpreters supplied in many of these places, where did this go so wrong
i have never known it like this, ever, we are pressed for housing, health, schools, it simply has to stop.
Your figures would seem to be right, so I stand corrected.

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