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How Often Does Google Earth Get Updated?

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10ClarionSt | 16:42 Sat 01st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Just looking on there and I would say the photos are at least 8 years old.


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I had work done in 2011 and it shows up on Google Earth - so more often than 8 years!
I've lived here for 7 years and my details have changed twice.........
It usually has a date at the bottom of the page.
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The official answer (even though it clearly doesn't tally with your own experience) is this one:
"Google Earth acquires the best imagery available, most of which is approximately one to three years old"
Mine has changed once since I first looked at it but it still shows a car outside my house that I got rid of nearly 4 years ago.
Try ignoring Google Earth, per se, and just entering your postcode into a normal Google search. Then click on the map that's shown and drag the little man onto your street. Doing that I get "© 2014 Google Image Date: March 2009 " at the bottom left of the image. Perhaps you'll also get a date that way too?
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ours are clearly a composite, done on different days, or at different times of the day. Our village shop changed hands about 4 years ago, but the view is still of the old one

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How Often Does Google Earth Get Updated?

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