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What Is Your Favourite Chocolate Bar?

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Georgiesmum | 21:48 Sat 01st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Personally i think Kit-Kats are hard to beat.


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Lindor and Ritte sport
I'm with ducksie, Fry's Turkish Delight is my favourite, I also like plain chocolate Bounty Bars. Aldi Hazlenut chocolate is nice too.
Can't be doing with chocolate.
Much over rated.

the largest one
Any Swiss chocs like Lindt, Milka etc.
I like Twix bars but really it wouldn't worry me if I never had chocolate again.
4-finger KitKat

Wispa Gold
One of those big slabs from Hotel Chocolat.
Thanks Caran....and guess which is mine !
I am also partial to Green & Blacks blocks with dark chocolate and ginger - chocolate gingers in general :-) :-)

One of those big slabs from Hotel Chocolat

Do you wanna share...?
Thats's a joke question I hope Pastafreak????????????
Cadbury Fruit and Nut, KitKat Dark
Raspberry ruffle bar.
That's a no then??

Guess I'd not share HC chocolate either...
My favs are the 90 and 100% estate bars...they're just too expensive for frequent indulgence.
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Double Decker
Question Author
I dont think ive ever had a double decker. Can you still get walnut whips? I used to like the coffee flavoured ones.

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