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Last Night

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queenofmean | 11:16 Sun 02nd Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
went very well despite the awkward moment when this chap who has been chasing me for about 18 months walked in and made me feel awkward. But we are going to meet again and I think it's also highly possible I may just have a new man in my life - swoon :)))))))))


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lo mm xx
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Ask me what lol.

No it's not modified but it's nice and let's leave the back seat where it belongs lol I'm not a hussy! Lol
Ok then Queenie, does it have reclining front seats then ?.
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Tony.....behave lol I don't know and I didn't ask or find out hahaha
And a sunroof for your feet?
Ok Queenie, just checking.
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Pmsl Zac I don't think there is a sunroof anyways

tony, you are a dirty old man
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Lol he's not really Excel
Glad you had a good time. Ignore all the dirty buggers. Did it have heated seats?
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Lol I don't mind Cupid :) I know them all well enough to know their little quirks ;) No I don't think it did. But I am glad it went well too and that he wants to see me again :)
Glad you had a good time. Ignore all the dirty buggers. Did it have heated seats?

Oi, ya little minx, how very dare you lol.
Really glad it went well and maybe stop that other bloke pestering you. Good luck xx
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Lol Tony :)

Me to Sib I might get peace from now on :) xx
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it obviously went well as we are going for dinner on Thursday :)))
dinner? oh ho :)

i'll be thinking of you thursday evening
Congratulations on overcoming the awkward moment.
Hope Thursday goes well.
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Yes Anne dinner....just hope it's not like the last time with the arguments with the cutlery!

Aww bless you Excel :) thank you xx
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Thank you Daisy. I'm just hoping that this other guy has finally got the message now. Normally when we see each other we acknowledge each other last night we ignored each other

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