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My point K is that even with a popular vote of 13.58%, UKIP still won't have any seats. All that work and nothing to show for it. Contrast this with the expected popular vote for the LibDems of 9.59%, down from 26.58%, but they should still get 21 seats, enough to be kingmakers again.
Its to be expected of course, with our current voting system but pretty galling for Farage none the less.
If you click on the "can the Tories win" you will find the final sentence reads
"Overall this analysis shows that it is certainly possible for the Conservatives to recover enough ground to get another hung parliament, but it is still very difficult for them to win an absolute majority in the House of Commons. They would need some events like a good economic recovery and/or the collapse of UKIP to achieve the swing of 7% which they need for a majority"
So, no real good news for anybody other than Ed it would seem.