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SIRandyraven | 08:31 Sat 01st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Are you giving up anything for Lent ?
I'm going to give up cake.


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I was brought up to be a good little Catholic boy in the 50's and 60's, and the Nuns who were our Teachers made it quite clear what our duties should be when it came to Lent. I said that I was going to give up cabbage, sprouts, and liver for Lent. A Nun asked me why on earth was I going to do that for ?

Well, I explained that I hated these things but everybody told me that they were "good for me" so I thought that perhaps giving them up for Lent was a greater sacrifice than giving up sweets or ice cream.

As far as I was concerned, my logic was impeccable but the Nuns were not impressed.

And what joker put Paddy's day in the middle of lent?
LOL, good point, ummm! - and no, I'm not. The diet is miserable enough already :-(
Does it have to be food or drink? Or something you love doing?

If the latter is there time for me to fall in love with doing housework between now and the 5th?....x
Pickled onions !!
Gness - I couldnt give up housework for lent as I dont do it anyway. (until it starts screaming for attention or someone is coming round)
sex -must be lent all year round!
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I shall give up casual sexual encounters, difficult though this may be.
I lent my neighbour my hedge trimmer and never got it back so I'm giving up lending things.
poor little cuddles.

i'm going to give up being nice.
can I give up weeding ? I hate weeding.
Atlanta...has to be something you love.....spend tomorrow weeding and saying how much you love it......then you can give it up and feel very virtuous.....☺
sod you lot i'm not giving anything up.
you missed the point 10 clarion st. its just 1 sacrifice for 40 days, is that really difficult?
Anyway, i always give up booze, well any type of alcohol, and something sweet, eg chocolate and any desserts

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