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Cameron's Not Had The Best Of Luck With His Aides, Has He?

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sandyRoe | 11:50 Tue 04th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
There was Andy Coulson, and now this. Surely this can do no other than cast a shadow on the PMs judgement.


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I agree about Coulson - that was pretty obvious as a mistake when it was done.

However I don't think you can say the same in this case.
How was he supposed to know?
That is the downside of nepotism and cronyism, you don't get to choose the best person for the job.
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Hopkirk, can we afford to let logic and common sense get in the way of an opportunity to do the Tories down?
Hopkirk is right here. The ghastly Coulson was damaged goods when dave appointed him. But there wasn't any controversy about the new chap, so I am not sure any blame can be laid at dave's door. Anyway, the chap has yet to be charged with any offence.

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Cameron's Not Had The Best Of Luck With His Aides, Has He?

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