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That Cake/cow Pat Is Getting On My Nerves Now.

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Tilly2 | 22:37 Wed 05th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I think it's time for a change. What would be appropriate for Lent.....................and what have you given up?


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I'm afraid I do Tilly, it's what I was put on this earth to do......
Naughty naughty shoota.
I do try Jezabel!
How did you get my photo off Facebook, shoots?
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plus ça change.
That knock on the door will be me Pix....
But how clever is the slogan?
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What slogan?
I thought shoota's link pic was brilliant.
On the advert Tilly - it's an ad for used Aston Martins...
Very clever shoota.
Think I will go with rocky and give up swearing

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That Cake/cow Pat Is Getting On My Nerves Now.

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