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Spring Must Be Coming

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stewey | 15:36 Wed 05th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...since we put our clocks ahead one hour this weekend. However, the weather doesn't seem to agree: we've had snow on the ground for 84 consecutive days now, and the temperature this morning is -15. But I'm not wishing for Summer as time flies fast enough as it is:)


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This was meant for "ChatterBank". Oh well.
My diary says the 30th march, got a good couple of weeks yet.
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This time every year I'm one hour closer to you people for a short period of time.
Hey Stews, no signs of chirping birds then?
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They are starting to flock together, although they appear to be a little confused:)
It is 15C outside and I have been trying to work out if I have a fledgling in the garden! It seems too early to have baby birds about but this one was being very cautious......
The clocks usually go forward the last weekend in March, not this weekend
Stewey is in Canada
Oh, right did not realise Stewey was in Canada, just thought he had lost the plot (grin), !
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Catswhiskas, I have lost the plot; I can't find it because of all the snow:)

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Spring Must Be Coming

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