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excelsior-1 | 00:32 Fri 07th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
55 Answers

good evening

i hope you have had a nice time on your date


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Anne - No and no - well sort of, his chef whites (which are actually black!)

Gnes - Check inbox
^^Gness even....
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all this talk of you lot matchmaking for each other is making me feel quite lonely
Aww :( Excel please don't feel lonely x
Hey Excel, you've got us
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hello lovely lady

i am delighted that yesterday evening went well for you
Evening all, you wouldn't want one of these match making !
Hold on! My sister also single- 37, blonde and beautiful. Any takers? Lol
please excuse me excel and queenie.

hi tony. long time no see. hope you are well. xx
Hi ya lj, good to see you as well, probably haven't seen to much of me posting c'us I've been working three shifts just lately ( not at the same time though lol ).
Yeah I'm to to bad thanks, lj, your self ?.
You ok, excel? X
Sign me up, pixie, that is if you and Psybbs are not 'available'
No problem, dtc! Will let her know x
Many thanks Excel :)

Me too :)

saw this, couldn't resist it Queenie,

exits stage left pursued by axe wielding QofM

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