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Morning Monday Early Birds

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janbee | 06:45 Sun 09th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Where is everyone this morning?


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hi morning janb. i've just post on alba's morning thread.
Erm morning Jan... it's Sunday my sweet xxx

I just gave you a best answer...

Morning your silkiness
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Sorry to both, Where the h**l is my head this morning? Of course it's Sunday.
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Lady j and Slappy. Monday? Well, it will be tomorrow. I just like being early that's all.
morning slappy. she's getting in early.

i did look for you on alba's thread.
We are all below jan xxx You've lost a day! :o}
hehe... I often feel like I've skipped a day... that's what shifts do for you... I see Boaty has now posted on Alba's mega early thread...this will be fun!!
Just having a cuppa after putting washing out to dry. Off down the pier for lunch laster.
ttg what day are you going?

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Morning Monday Early Birds

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