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Patronising Tv People....

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Arti | 19:22 Sun 09th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I was a tad disappointed last week, watching This Morning. I've always considered Philip Schofield to be down-to-earth and 'in touch' with the viewers. Last week, though, he was interviewing an actor and talking about an upcoming tv drama. The clip of the drama that was shown was of a realistic-looking explosion and fire in a block of flats. Philip Schofield then asked the actor "being in television, I was wondering how that scene was done". Petty point, I know, but why do a lot of telly 'luvvies' think that we viewers will watch a programme, knuckles scraping on the ground, being impressed by a certain scene without wondering how a certain effect was achieved?


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Carol Vordeman is also an exponent of this type of thing. I remember a few years back, when she was still the number cruncher on Countdown. There had been some dispute or other about one of the facts proffered on the show. After the ad break, Vorderman announced that Channel 4 had had loads of phone calls during the break, offering various answers as to the etymology of the aforesaid fact..... quite some going, given that Countdown is filmed about 2 months before airing.
Arti...switch the TV off and put Radio 4 on instead...your life will improve immediately !
A lot of people would have been fascinated to know how the "scene was done"

Do you know where the button is to change channels?
Similar thing with Andrew Castle when he's brought in to commentate on an Andy Murray match that would not normally have been screened on BBC, had he not been competing in it.
Castle always thinks that the viewers have no idea about tennis, or who Andy Murray is, or why this match might be on, and goes through a long-winded explanation of the four Gland Slam tournaments. It's so annoying.

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Patronising Tv People....

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