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Just Supposing......

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Ric.ror | 10:49 Wed 12th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I won the lottery and I decided to offer certain members of staff here at my work enough money to resign straight away - thereby leaving certain members of staff in the lurch. Would this be legal?
One of my colleagues and I often wonder about this scenario happening


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\\\ thereby leaving certain members of staff in the lurch.\\\ \\\\Basically because we would like to leave certain members completely up the creek without a paddle\\\ With those sort of aims and thoughts in mind, however hypothetical, I would have thought that you would be better off seeking Psychiatric treatment.
12:25 Wed 12th Mar 2014

I think we'd all like to do this if we had the cash Ric - but if all your friends left the company too, you would never know if your plan worked....
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I would have thought that you would be better off seeking Psychiatric treatment.

Your not the first person to say that
Why not buy the company and then sack those members of staff you don't like!!

I too think it would be great if Wolf won the lottery. Not too sure about her buying AB though and filling it with cats.
Perhaps a new sister site called Feline Answer Bank (FAB) could be created.
sqad superb as ever never change LOL
I think that andrew is only thinking of himself. In our family if one wins the lottery a clause called "sharey-shareys" kicks in. I am sure that he doesn't even buy a lottery ticket.

FAB was the old name for one of the main cat sites. Feline Advisory Board I think.
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Oh you of little faith
I have received an email from the lottery with news about my ticket!
Trouble is I cannot remember my password or user name so I will have to wait until I get home to check what it is

Could be £2.80 coming my way !!!!
Or even £2.70 like me!
£2.80 won't be enough to pay off the nice colleagues :-)

If I won the lottery, how about me paying for air travel and hotels so we could visit sqad and Neti?

Sqad will be relieved that I don't 'do' the lottery :-)
It's ages since I won anything on the lottery. I look at Zoopla, to pick the house that I am going to buy, on a regular basis - you never know.
I won £5.40. Yay...
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Stop the press - it was £4.90
My cup runneth over
I have already spent most of it already .............. On two more tickets

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