I watched it on satellite. If you pause it and take it step by step frame by frame, you can faintly see a crease in just the crossword portion of the newspaper. As he begins to rotate the entire newspaper as he approaches the top of the rotation you can see his fingers on the right side lift up ever so slightly, as soon as you see that begin to happen you also see a the crossword puzzle flip over, revealing the finished crossword and obscuring the unfinished crossword. Once he stops the rotation and we see the finished puzzle, you once again can see the faint crease down the middle of the puzzle. Whats happened is he has cut out two identical puzzles from seperate papers. Finished one and left the other unfinished. He then folded both and glued the backside of one half of each puzzle to each other, possible adding some sort of weight or spring to it. The other halves of the puzzle he has glued down to the paper to cover up the original puzzle. As he does the rotation and lifts his fingers up slightly, the force from rotating it has flung it open swinging his crossword (door, if I may describe it that way) open from right to left revealing the finished portion and hiding the unfinished one. How he got it to stay open on the finished one I still have not figured out. I'm guessing it may of had some sort of spring mechanism hidden between the glued parts, or a small flat magnet or possibly a sticky substance to hold it in place once flipped. That is how it was done. If you doubt me I challenge you to pause it before his rotation of the paper and move forward frame by frame slowly. Also look for the crease in the middle of JUST the crossword puzzle, both before and after the rotation. Also you may notice, afyer his grandma looks at it and says "10minutes" she lays it down on the bar face up, Dynamo says "10 minutes? Thats as fast as you can do it aye?" And the camera cuts to a close up of his grams face. Then it comes back out to a wide shot and him saying "alright let me have a look at it" (NOTICE THAT THE PAPER IS NOW FACE DOWN) he then picks up just the portion with the crossword puzzle and folds the paper with the puzzle facing him and he talks to her a bit (this is the "distraction" that magicians use to advert your eyes away from what your hands are doing) he then looks at her and says "10 minutes? Your a bit optimistic arent ya?" The camera then cuts to a close up of grams face again and when it comes back to the wideshot, the puzzle is now facing grams and us the audience and he says "watch this" that is when we see the closeup of the paper and the trick itself. Im guessing a wideshot of the trick would have allowed us to very clearly see how the trick was performed, but instead they did a close up, the close up mixed with his rapid rotation of the paper causes a blur and therefore hides whats really going on. It is all smoke and mirrors, most of his tricks start with a distraction of some sort. Some tricks are spot on and boggle my mind and some are done poorly and are easily picked apart. For instance one I couldnt figure out, him floating in midair 8ft off the ground in front of thousands of people in brazil by the statue of jesus. Could not figure that out for the life of me.