Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
Musical Instrument Or Term
12 Answers
Hawaiian jumping flea? The answer will be a musical term or instrument.
ukulele (ˌ juː kəˈ leɪ lɪ) or ukelele n 1. ( Instruments) a small four- stringed guitar, esp of Hawaii [C19: from Hawaiian, literally: jumping flea, from `uku flea + lele jumping]
23:19 Thu 13th Mar 2014
Ukulele - "The Jumping Flea" | Take Note
By Brendan Lai-Tong. There is something about playing the ukulele that is innately fun and rewarding. If you didn't already know, the sweet sound of this four stringed instrument has been around since the 1800s and originated in Hawaii.
blog.sheetmusicplus.com/2013/02/27/ukulele/ More from blog.sheetmusicplus.com
By Brendan Lai-Tong. There is something about playing the ukulele that is innately fun and rewarding. If you didn't already know, the sweet sound of this four stringed instrument has been around since the 1800s and originated in Hawaii.
blog.sheetmusicplus.com/2013/02/27/ukulele/ More from blog.sheetmusicplus.com
u·ku·le·le or u·ke·le·le (yo̅o̅′kə-lā′lē, o̅o̅′kə-)
A small four-stringed guitar popularized in Hawaii.
[Hawaiian 'ukulele : 'uku, flea + lele, jumping.]
Regional Note: The word ukulele is one of a small stock of Polynesian borrowings into American English. Other Hawaiian words now common in American English are aloha (a greeting or farewell) and luau (an outdoor picnic usually featuring a whole barbecued pig). Haole, a word common in Hawaii itself but not well known on the American mainland, is the Hawaiian word for a white person.
A small four-stringed guitar popularized in Hawaii.
[Hawaiian 'ukulele : 'uku, flea + lele, jumping.]
Regional Note: The word ukulele is one of a small stock of Polynesian borrowings into American English. Other Hawaiian words now common in American English are aloha (a greeting or farewell) and luau (an outdoor picnic usually featuring a whole barbecued pig). Haole, a word common in Hawaii itself but not well known on the American mainland, is the Hawaiian word for a white person.