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EcclesCake | 19:24 Fri 14th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Moderation is good, total eradication is harsh!


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On top of which - that's another 'best answer' I've missed out on....
19:43 Fri 14th Mar 2014
We agree to disagree then. Several contributions were positively bordering on the pornographic.
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LOL!!! That is rich DTC!
Night, Eccles.

I've got far more important things going on here to get involved in a stupid slanging match.
lol, that's you told, Eccles, better get on with your work on curing cancer
calm down calm down whats done is done it was very funny at the time but hey ho it was removed there will be other threads we can laugh at ok
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Good god DTC, your post over stepped the mark by a country mile!!!

Get over yourself, you were wrong with your post and it was well outside the boundaries that every other poster had contained themselves.

Sleep well.

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