OK, 3 left.
25A - O'Casey gave him the 'Needle' (6) I have ??G?N?
6D - Demigoddess, portrayed in half articles (9) I haveH?M?T?E?
21D - It's great woman prophetically bore a son, who lived and died and lived again (6) I have ?H???M
There appear to be some tricky choices to make with alternative spellings in this crossword. For 21d, for example, should it be SHUNAM or SHUNEM? Similarly, is 1a DAEDALUS or DAEDALOS?
SHUNEM would be correct, though Shunamite is a person form said place. Greek is SUNAM (no SH!). DAEDALOS would be eccentric, if technically correct in Greek. There now follows a four week wait for the setter's preferences to be revealed! Welcome to the lottery that is the TLS.