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wendilla | 20:37 Sun 16th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Channel 4. Now live from the Spacestation


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Hi Wendy,
It's the first programme I've remembered to watch and it's brilliant so far! Look at that view!

(Just wish Dermot idiot wasn't hosting it :-)
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Yes some fantastic views . Yes agree about dermot I just forget he is there .
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Would have been nice if we had viewing times this way but no sightings at the moment in the evenings .
I'm amazed how clear the picture is on camera inside the space station, it really does feel like you are walking around with them. Great to see that they are all friendly and obviously love what they do :-)

You're right, the more I watch, the less I notice dermot.
I've learnt a lot from watching the programme
Interesting prog, we didn't notice Dermot much either!

aacgh!! missed the first 40 mins, but i am watching now
We only watched some tonight, OH is watching the rugby now :-)
Wow! The shot of the volcanoes was wonderful!
I feel like a big kid!

just saw millennium dome from recorded flyover - very good

after this break, they will talk to one of my heroes....professor Stephen Hawking
I watched the Stephen Hawking programme last week (I think it was a repeat) - fascinating stuff.
Shocking to see the visible damage the human race is doing from space :-(
We are doing so much damage....wish we would take notice....:-(
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I can remember from a child reading from the bible that man will destroy earth. I can't remember where but that is exactly what is happening .
What a fantastic programme this has been .

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