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Poo Bags For Pooches...

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sandyRoe | 12:25 Tue 18th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Why do the perfumed ones smell worse than what they're supposed to mask?


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because they are POO bags lol
they are a waste of money, use/recycle bags from shops or use baby nappy sacks.

Perfumed? you must move in very refined circles Sandy!
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I bought a pack in Pets R Us, or whatever it's called, not knowing they were the fragrant variety and the cheap scent was stinking.
If it smells that bad it must be a very big refined circle!
as is the poooooooooooo :)
If my memory of my two kids is correct, nappy sacks are the same - perfumed ones smell awful.

I suspect though that this is a psychological thing - you rapidly associate that 'perfume' smell with the nasty stuff.
Similarly I used to find the smell of those toilet block things more repulsive than the smell of a toilet.

Thankfully I can't remember the last time I encountered one.

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