Does anyone else get annoyed with all the dubbed adverts that are currently being shown? There's Fixodent, ClearBlue and probably others I can't recall. They are so obviously dubbed it's awful!
I think it's more about cost, they can use one advert all round the world and dub it to whatever language they need. I hate watching them, they make me cringe.
Do you know, apart from the Petit Filou advert where the kids are obviously French, I've never noticed. I don't pay much notice to anyone's adverts these days!
its the car ads I hate, slightly off topic to dubbed ads (sorry losgigs) where they show the car being driven on the wrong side of the road for the UK and they have left hand side steering wheels & cockpits.
If these companies haven't even got the common decency to try and sell me their product(s) by filming an ad in MY mother tongue, rather than cheapskate cheating with dubbing...then I completely refuse to buy their products till they do!!
Marketing people love adverts that make them stand out whether they are awful or not. For example, every one remembers the awful "Shake and Vac "ads don't they.