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How Should The Police Have Treated This Young Woman?

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sandyRoe | 10:44 Wed 19th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
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At the very least she should have been taken to the pavement not left in the road. But drunkenness is illegal isn't it ? Surely they should have taken her to the cells to sober up. And worst, what if alcohol was not the problem and she was ill but just appeared drunk ? Seems a major dereliction of duty to me.
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A bit more info, the blue painted building in the background is a drop-in centre for street drinkers. The police could have taken her in there.
It will be easy for them to ascertain if an assault was reported, even so - if drunk at the very least on the pavement, if assaulted call an ambulance.

What we know so far shows a very bad image, which as said earlier lets the good cops down.
Very stupid. I can't see why at least they couldn't have left her on the pavement which is about a foot away?

The police car is unmarked but they are uniformed. Is that normal?
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There are special circumstances here. A police car wouldn't be as heavily armoured as a Land Rover, which would carry police signs, so its probably safer for the occupants if it's unmarked.
It is possibly a traffic speed detector car manned by uniformed traffic officers.Perfectly normal in most, if not all, constabularies.
Gromit: In my experience most unmarked police cars are patrolled by uniformed officers. The only time I've seen plain clothed police officers are ones that are on an OP like investigating drug running. Although you'll find in the big cases they don't even use unmarked vehicles. The police use all sorts of vehicles for what I like to call 'covert operations'; taxis, decorating vans, you name it. Sorry that was a little off topic - well a lot of topic but I thought I'd throw that one in.
"How should the police have treated this young woman?"

The same way they would have done had they been part of one of the many documentary programmes on the emergency services.
You mean how they would if they knew they were being filmed?

Exactly! Must be dumb cops not to think that someone, somewhere would be filming them on their smart-phones.
I'd like the full story. Were the police called because the woman was drunk and abusive to the staff at the drop in centre?
Is she known to the police?
Has she been repeatedly taken in to custody whilst in that state and been abusive, accusing officers and staff of anything and everything?
Were the police en route to another emergency?
Even if she was all those things it would have taken them an extra 30 seconds to get her on the path.
hc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no doubt there is more to this story. but. the iniformed police officers dumped a female in a bus lane in broad daylight, so either she should have been arrested or given medical attention, I cant believe their stupidity in not being aware of modern technology.
interesting,,,,,,thanks fluff.
I can't believe they left her in the road. What's wrong with these people? I think they should be sacked, not suspended. They actually have less decency than most members of the public, even with all their training.
very poor behaviour on their part.

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