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Today's Budget Included

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sir.prize | 23:22 Wed 19th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
a package to cut energy bills, including £18 per ton cap on carbon price support, predicted to save families £15 a year - that is less than 29p per week. Bravo George. We are all proud of you.


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"The personal tax allowance has had a massive jump up to £10,500"
Wow that means pensioners get nothing extra as we are already on that amount.

It never ceases to amaze me that supporters of Labour cannot/will not grasp the fact that when Labour are in power, without fail, they bring the Country to the brink of Financial Ruin, which the Tories have to try and put right during their next term in office whilst being castigated by the deluded Labour voters for the state of the Nation. The deluded will then out of habit put Labour back in power at the next Election and start the whole sorry cycle all over again!
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That's true Ann - but remember, Georgie Porgy said this budget is for the pensioners!

Yeah OK.
Lucky you Ann, I was robbed of that 2 years ago as you had to be 65 by April last year to qualify for that............
Really Craft? I didn't know that, never mind you will have it soon x
Why did I bother to pay into a pension fund and save for my old age?
Oops, still trying to save.
well im not happy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i don't drink beer or play bingo !
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Shall I switch to British Gas, or Eon, or maybe EDF or . . . oh sod it they are all the same. A load of Gasbags.
I've just used the budget calculator on the BBC website and apparently I'm going to be £65.71 worse off.......
you can't say Gove's not trying to encourage you, anneasquith. He wants you to go out and live a little!
If anyone catches me playing Bingo please alert the relevant authorities.
And apparently you can pay a lot more into your ISA now ...... that is brilliant if you have any savings left to pay in, after watching them dwindle away :)
sorting out the ludicrous departure tax is a good thing. You used to have to pay more to go to India than Hawaii because it was based on where the capital of the country is.

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