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That Anti-Gay Us Reverend Has Now Died

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mikey4444 | 18:51 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
32 Answers

We debated this on here last week. Well, he has finally gone to meet his Maker, although what his God will make of him is anybodys guess. One less bigot in the world today it would seem, which can't be a bad thing I suppose.


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I've always been a huge believer in "de mortuis nil nisi bonum" - I even got a lot of flak for being cross about the lack of respect given to Mrs T's family when she died - but I might just break the habit of a lifetime for this piece of reactionary pondlife.

Eternal damnation would seem about right.

I do like SP's idea of an annual 'gay fest in memoriam' though.
SP.....I never wear red for historic reasons...but this once I would join you.
even in his hatefulness and malice, more to be pitied than scorned
SP.....I never wear red for historic reasons...
There goes my fantasy of seeing gness in a Welsh rugby shirt and little else.......
I do green well, Chill.....though the best flight I was ever on was to Canada with the Welsh Rugby Team...almost converted me...☺
Almost converted you? What, kicked you between the posts after a 'try'? LOL

Sorry, I'll get me coat.......
☺☺☺....that was good.....x
Shame. The world missed his tragicomedy.
He shouldn't be portrayed simply as anti-gay - he was 'anti' much more than that and that does a disservice to others. His death warrants no further recognition. The world is a better place without him. Leave his family to whatever grief they feel.
He caused much distress by demonstating at funerals
and distressing the bereaved by insisting the death would not have happened but for the gay marriage policy....

actually as I say it - I wonder that the families didnt rise up and ....
just because he has died , I fear his flock will continue with their jaw dropping actions.
I think some of his family are even more fanatical than he was. I think I read somewhere that his daughter said that she was disappointed that their family was only described as "the most hated in the USA" - she wanted to be known as "the most hated family in the world".

Strange bunch. I remember bits of a louis theroux documentary where he spent time with them. Jaw dropping views.

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