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Feeling Sorry For Myself

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sherrardk | 20:31 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Not concentrating properly when cooking tea, managed to pour boiling water all over my hand. Have had it in a bowl of cold water for 2 1/2 hours, parts of it still really hurt when I take it out & feel slightly sick. Luckily I took my watch and rings off straight away :(



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How is your hand today?
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Thanks for asking, my hand and fingers are swollen, but only one nasty blister and a bit sore all over.
the worst is over then.... you did the right thing. I've heard running water is better than still, but I don't really know why (maybe still water is gradually heated by your hand?)
Yes, to keep it cooler and cleaner, jno and wash away anything that might cause infection.
running is more painful than still though (personal experience)
It is, if you run it directly onto the burn. Directing on to the back of your wrist and letting it run down your hand is better. I usually find, if it's cold, it numbs it a bit, too.
Poured boiling water over back of right hand a few years ago and Minor Injuries unit treated it with Vaseline. Had to go twice a week for dressings and it healed up fine.
Must keep it clean and covered. Good luck. It will be painful for a while.

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Feeling Sorry For Myself

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