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Giiiiiiiiiiiirls Night !!!!!! ... Wooooooooo

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joggerjayne | 10:52 Fri 21st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
BF not coming now until tomorrow morning.

Girls night out !!!!! ... Woooooooooooo !!!!!!

( furiously texting pals ... )

Just saying.


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Jogger, with your flat in Brighton, your man who jets in or you jet out to and Olive. You are the envy of a lot of us on Answerbank I think.
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Aww, that's a nice thought, grassy ... but I really don't think so. No one would be jealous of my life.

I don't have a family, and I never will. I'd like to have children, but I'm too old, so that's not going to happen.

I have Olive come in, because I'm hopeless at domestic stuff. How to be a domestic goddess? Just do the opposite of me!

I love my boyfriend, but he lives in Switzerland, so we're never going to be a proper "couple", and it's hard to see any long term prospects. So, I'm a lonely 47 year old.

I don't have a family to drain my income, so I spend my money on myself ... eating out, drinking, gambling, and flying over to see my boyfriend. But honestly, no parent would want their child to end up like me. No structure, no future, no idea what next year will bring. It's a car crash of a life.

I do have fun, yes ... but it's a one way ticket to nowhere.

If anyone envies my life, they are probably the reincarnation of Jack Kerouac. In which case, they probably won't be awake at this time of the morning.
christ i got your age 20 yrs out JJ i had you at 67 ... runs away and hides xxxx
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seriously tho i always thought you were in your late 20's to be honest
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Oh, well thank you.

I try to not act my age, lol

Maybe I should've kept quiet about my age.

never JJ you are what you are good on ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Awww ...

(virtual hug for bernie)
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(wonders about catching bernie's cold)
that's very sad, jj. i know a broken down old building worker who needs adopting. instant family. ;-)
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Meanwhile at Gatwick Airport airrivals a forlorn man holding a bunch of roses and an overnight holdall scours the waiting crowd ......

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