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Tea At Three

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albaqwerty | 16:03 Thu 27th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I haven't cooked or baked a thing for you lot.

Sorry, anything on the menu?

I can offer a bag of peanuts and a packet of cheese n onion squares :-D

Loads of plain lemonade too.

(I know, letting the side down and all that, sorry!)


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got some flapjacks and some custard filled doughnuts, alba
ohhh mrs c likes a bit of cucumber..!!
If DT is getting a Whoopie, can I have a cup of Julie?

Assam is my preferred choice.

Mince pies are cooling......
Question Author
with or without batteries Cuddlyone?

(I don't believe I'm going to hit submit!)

oooh Excel, yummy on the custard filled doughnuts front. Many thanks x
Well just as well I already have a cake Alba. Unusually my timing just now was spot on! I went in the lift down towards canteen to buy myself a cake. As I stepped out of lift a man with 3 boxes of cakes (left over from a staff meeting) said "Do you want a cake" so I took one and got back in the lift.
pmsl @ albs disgusting mind girlie
triangles or fingers please, alba!
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oh, nice one Grassy! x
Hope it's a nice cake :-)

Cuddlyone, I'm a good girl, I is :-)
he is still breathing... just... he owes me
lol DTC fancy asking albs for fingers
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DT, it's triangles, they're fancy enough :-)
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aha! I thought you'd run off with that to Crusty's thread :-D

have full biscuit tin will travel - fruit shortbread , hobnobs , plain and milk digestives ...oh and some rockie road bites and mini rolls from waitrose. PLease can I have coffee x
Question Author
you can have as much coffee as you like nanny!

How would you like it?
Black, sugar (brown or white?) Milk or cream?
did you get email sorry about naughty word
I've just realised that a cucumber can be used quite effectively when it comes to sex.

The more of them my girlfriend eats, the more slim and sexually attractive she becomes.

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no speakers Cuddlyone :-(

Have other means to access though, so will have a look-see later :-) x

I miss out on a lot of music threads and so on :-(

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