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A Bit Of An Update.......

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Jeza | 22:56 Wed 26th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
When Mics carers came tonight the offending one didn't. Her oppo said she had rang in sick. She asked me If I had reported her. I told her no I hadn't. I wonder if she went sick because of what happened and was fearful for her job or is she genuinely ill. I don't suppose I will ever know.


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hope all's well Jeza, enjoy your b&c and some time to yourself
//If you knew how I was feeling and the thoughts that had been through my head since reading how Victoria died you'd never have posted that.//

Perhaps I put my foot in my mouth last night, gness, and things became muddled - however Ann sensed where I was coming from - you publish all of this thinking and emotion and the question missing, perhaps, was "Isn't this an opportunity to turn the knife?"

However, if I did upset you, then I didn't intend to do so, and I apologise if that happened. I could say in jest, '15 all,' but I don't do that!

Excuse this, Jeza, but if we are clearing the air, "Why not two birds with the same stone!"
you have definitely put the wind up this awful lady Jeza and quite rightly too, now if any new carer gets "cheeky" nip it in the bud straight away, tell then that its not acceptable in your home.
DTC, do you know when to shut up?
Oh I know, Woof....I thought it was clear I'm not a turn the knife sort of person... what good is that?
I would have loved to have changed or improved things....I really, really tried over thirteen years.... and I had some small, temporary successes... but my health suffered and I now need a few years to get back to family and friends.....and my life even if that is a bit selfish....☺

And on that note,'re a fighter...but take good care of yourself's too easy in your circumstances to let that slip....xx
gness I have been there too. You do what you can and then stop. Its not up to ANYONE else to comment or have a view on how you should handle things. And I HATE that "I could say in jest thing" its just a sly way of saying something unpleasant and thinking you can maintain deniability....and if I get suspended for that it will be worth it.
yep......................enough is enough. excuse me jeza.

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