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Dishwasher Problem

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josadler7 | 14:49 Sat 22nd Mar 2014 | DIY
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Does anyone have any experience with fixing dishwashers? My Bosch Excel S9G1B has stopped working – it starts the program – pumping water in and then seems to get stuck, normally the water inlet noise is followed by the swooshing noise from the circulating system but that’s not happening. The display shows no error and I can’t find any diagnostic info, the pump works fine in reverse to remove the water and I’ve taken the filtration system apart and cleaned it thoroughly and re-assembled to no avail.
It could be that the secondary pump or valve has failed or the controller is not switching for some reason (this was replaced under recall last year by Bosch) but I am a bit stuck on the next thing to do.
Thank you.


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Sometimes the impeller jug ...a type of fluid flow sensor.about £18 to buy...fails and causes fill and empty cycles.....or it may be the pcb :-(

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