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2sp_ | 17:29 Fri 28th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Maybe it's just me, but this makes me laugh!

I can't stop watching it!


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Daisy is just too elegant for a dog, her brother has the right idea.

I have to say that the ice cream looks very scrummy :-)
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I do wonder if Cooper gave himself an ice cream headache!
Love it. Greedy boy Cooper!
I agree...very funny..cheered me up no end !
Well done Cooper.............Daisy is a "woofter."
It was posted a little while ago, but I've just watched it again and it still made me laugh!
Wasn't expecting that, it made me laugh out loud!
Daisy is a laydee!
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Sorry, I hadn't realised it had been posted before, but it is very funny!

Poor Daisy doesn't get much before it disappears down Cooper's throat.

Reminds me of my kids. :-)
Mine are like a swarm of locusts, too...
Aw shucks!
Cooper puts on a great 'I'm hard done by' face to the unsuspecting viewer!
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I thought he was going to swallow her hand too!
Awww I'd buy them one each.
After watching the clip again I saw this video being advertised. This is something that I can relate to.
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Love it, wolf! My parents had cats when I was still at home and many a morning (or middle of the night!) I would be woken in similar manners.
Made me chuckle too. Felt so sorry for him but he got his own back.
LOL, I'd have chomped on Daisy first.
Love it !!

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