The other day, I posted a thread about an old advertising flier that I had found. I haven't completely restored it yet; however, here is a photo of one of the twenty pages in it after two steam treatments. You think that these fashions
will make a come-back, or have they already done so and disappeared again?:)
The man that died was not my Dad any more, Elina. The fall pushed his dementia out of control and I think it was a relief for him. All he wanted was to be with my Mum again.
Sorry for hijacking the thread, Stewey, I'll shut up now!
Among my Alec Guinness collection I've got loads of film magazines. Often the adverts are more fascinating than some of the articles. They are rarely photos, more often drawings of the things for sale. It's a wonder they ever made any sales from the look of some of the stuff!
A secretary!! tea wagon!! & a folding car table! My dad bought a 'bureau' many years ago, that secretary is a bit fancier though, wonderful glimpse in to the past stewey !