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3,5,7,9,..little White Line

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Tilly2 | 09:54 Sat 29th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Morning, Tom!


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okay....hands up....who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? Play loudly
11:17 Sat 29th Mar 2014
Unless you put a link to the previous thread which prompted this one, how the heck is anyone to know what it's supposed to be about??? I certainly didn't!
Well, i liked it -(also thought it was "little white line).
It is
^ no it's not - I was mistaken too!
I love Sweety's grovelling apology for leaving you in the lurch
Looking at that link, i only knew about 5% of the lyrics anyway. I usually make them up.
He is without doubt one of the best grovellers I have ever witnessed, Psybbo lol.
lets hope it works. tillys calling me svejk today. it'll be sweaty tomorrow.;-(
Well done, sweaty. Have you got a box of chocs and a bunch of flowers handy ?.
tilly wont stay angry at me for long. ;) she knows i'm an idiot.
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Never mind all this! What about my bad leg? Stupid dog!

Er, what bad leg Tilly?
Whats happened, Yilly ?
i'd rub it better but the top 50 childrens' shows are on tv.

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3,5,7,9,..little White Line

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