Hello, I like my cousin and he is coming to our place after few days in a family gathering. please can you advise me what are the things I should keep in mind??? how should I act so that he takes interest in me and wants a friendship??? I know the point is to act natural but just that I am so excited and confused at the same time, we don't get much time to talk often we just talked like once or twice. so please do help me I don't want to miss this chance. and also if he asks to have my phone number, so that would be great.
Thank you
Ps. please don't be rude and try to understand and help me
be aware that to many people the idea of being in a relationship is abhorrent.
it may be legal, but they are still blood relatives, which puts people off.
just chat to him and be yourself - you want him to like you so you have to show him you
Boys are interested in girls who are themselves dont change who you are. Dont be too obvious but try signal you want a friendship. Whatever you do stay true to yourself and make sure he is comfortable with what could happen. Good luck :)