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Grand National

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BlueToffee | 15:27 Sat 05th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Glad to say, saved myself a tenner!


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Is the Grand National held at Aintree where those photogenic slender young maidens cavort, frolic, and in general mirror the demure behavior of young English gentle-women ?
Yeah!. You got a problem with that, Wack?
Did you just hit me, Tilly?...It hurt.
(I have a very good friend who's from Liverpool. I have never heard her say, 'Wack')
Sorry, stewey. I got carried away.
Bet you've heard her say, "Lah", though, Tilly:-)
I thought it was the sound of a slap across the ear 'ole.
Stewey, if Tilly had whacked you, you would know
My father was from Liverpool and whereas the rest of us used sugar on our porridge, he always laced it with salt. I tried it once and never went back to sugar...Is the salt a Liverpool "thing"?
I've heard her say lots of things, Ken, most of which make me laugh. I don't recall Lah, though. She's not a common Liverpudlian, she's a posh one
I thought salt on porridge was a Scots thing, stewey

Sibs, are you implying that I'm a bit of a bruiser?
No, Tilly, just standing in for the spelling police :-)
A posh Liverpudlian? Ah, so that's what an oxymoron is:-)
Ah right. Got you. I'm made up about dat, sib.

Where has Mr Blue Toffee gone?
She is poshish. She would have been the one in the pink trouser suit amongst all those horrors we saw yesterday. She drives a Porche, which I can get in but can never get out of.
oops, Porsche.

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