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Tooth Pinged Off Again

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albaqwerty | 06:38 Thu 10th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
only thing is, I think I've swallowed it

So, do I grit my remaining teeth and get another set going through the yucky impression route (I've a strong gag reflex) or would a repair place just stick on another tooth?


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Told ya not to bite lol
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could always say ,, best not !!
You'll have to collect the old one and take it back to dentist for refit...... happy hunting lol
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oh, sugar!!

(or summat similar)

Nah, I think nature's taken it's course on that route :-)
Note to self: avoid gag reflex comments.
//happy hunting//

Haaaa! How funny! Best ask for a new one, eh?
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I'm still half-asleep, thanks JJ xx
I ended up with a bottom plate minus the two canines and when they went I got the dentist to get them added snd they made s super job of them. You wouldn't know they hadn't been there all along and it was a NHS dentist!
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Morning Tree xx

I'm near the dental repair place this morning, so will shove spare pair in mouth and see if they can do anything.
Not sure what you call the tooth, it's not the front 4, it's the 3rd from the right front, not really noticeable, but I know it's missing..
Go for it,alba, I'm sure you'll be pleasantly suprised.
If you go to the dental repair place they'll still have to take an impression, to get the right shape and siting for the replacement tooth (I speak from experience, LOL). Good luck - if you tell them you don't like the blue stuff, they'll still have to do it but hopefully will be sympathetic.
when having my implants [17] done in India @ one third the price in UK, the guy dropped one of the screws in my mouth, he promptly pressed a lever which jerked the chair up so I could spit it out, but instead as I shot up I swallowed it. Big panic as he should have apparently put a net in my mouth to prevent this, they hospitalised me and xrayed me gave me oatmeal and banana to eat but it took four days to go through my system and what they were worried was it would perforate my bowel, well CS did not tell me this and when I saw how big the screw was I nearly passed out, rang no 2 son at home in UK he said it could only happen to you mum ! hospital gave me the screw after it had been sterilised and dentist paid the hospital bill and CS negotiated a reduction in final bill. Having said that they do look good, but would I go back and have the bottom teeth done ? no thanks.
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Boxy, I know you speak from experience :-) x

Dee, blooming heck!
You imagine things to be small, but when a tooth is pulled and you see the size of the root, I suppose it makes some sort of sense for the screws to be large.
*refrains from large screw jokes too*

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