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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:36 Fri 18th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
130 Answers
It's goodly Friday. I'm off to the Heritage Centre today, got to pick my mate up in Stroud first, so I'll be orft about 8.30.

It's rather nippy outside this morning, so wasn't out long. Most of the usual suspects were quite rightly tucked up nice and warm at home. Little tiggy was rooting around in the garden and found the food I put out for him/her. I haven't seen big tiggy for about a week. I hope he's OK.

Have a happy day everyone.


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It does feel longer, albs- probably not as long as it feels to everyone else! X
LOL Pixie, don't think that's true at all :-)

I'm going to wriggle with the pooch, whatever you're up to, folks, hope you have a lovely Friday xxx
We've seen Captain America (snore! But the boys liked it) and Rio2 yesterday. That was lovely.
Have a lovely day, albs :-) xx
Ah, rightey-oh Pixie...well I'm sure you're equally as lovely as she was/is ;)
I'd better get a wiggle (wriggle?) on ....have a good day y'all x x
Me too - one mater that needs sorting out....she can't even get her coffee right, too quick with the kettle and we can't have a tricity one as she has a habit of putting them on the rings of the stove!
Morning WBM xxx and all nice here so far . you can tell how long ago I went to Malta . It cost £45 for 1 week self catering . How times have changed . Have a nice weekend all .
A tad late, but a very happy Easter to all the Early birders. xx

happy easter, cupid
Afternoon waterman & everyone! ;0)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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