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emmie | 06:49 Fri 18th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
a friend who's council estate is having some much needed repairs wondered why the council employed a group of contract workers who are all Polish, most of whom can't speak English, the head bloke does a speak a little apparently, is it simply getting the work done, no matter who does it.


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funnily enough, I've just read Scrivens thread and the consensus seems to be that the councils are contracting work out to the cheapest company to get the work done. I'm holding off getting my house re-wired for that very reason.
06:53 Fri 18th Apr 2014
People tend to lump all East Europeans as 'Polish' but recently they are more likely to be Romanian or Lithuanian.
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no idea, he thought they were Polish.
Must be similar then to the way racist people here in Britain refer to all those from the Indian Subcontinent as P@kis, even the Hindu ones !
My neighbour is having their house renovated by a couple of Polish builders, they come every evening after their day jobs and work until 7ish, they also work weekends and are there now, most British builders I know would not want to work in their spare time.
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mikey, you might do that i don't, nor do i know anyone who does.
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Pakistani Hindus are Hindus of full or partial Pakistani descent. The Hindus constitute 1.7% of Pakistan's population.
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really, seems unlikely

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