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Surprise Visit!!

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sherrardk | 14:43 Sun 27th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Arrgghhh - my dad just phoned & he's coming for a surprise visit any minute now. House looks like a bomb has hit it as it is the end if the Easter holidays & he's bringing his new wife!!! Fingers crossed he's not bringing anyone else.


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lol I know the feeling, when you have kids, the end of the holidays is never a good time to have random visits!
Why are you on here, you should be cleaning up (lol).
good luck!
People should take you as they find you, it's no-one else's business what state you keep your house in

I always describe our house as 'lived in'

just take them to burgerking then send them home.
My MIL used to say that folk come to see you, not your house

(although I did see her cast an eye over the mantelpiece!)
At least you don't have too much time to worry about it!

Hope the visit goes well.
You have five kids! Give one the vacuum, another two dusters, send one to do the washing up and the other to clean the bathroom. then you can nip to the garden for a calming ciggie ;-)
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Been & gone! Nice to formally meet his wife, I only know her from when she was our neighbour. Expect my ears will be burning later when they discuss my house.

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