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Should I Move On?

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nicole21 | 01:40 Sun 27th Apr 2014 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
I was talking to this guy since January of this year and like a week ago we got into a fight. It was something stupid, I wasn't texting him back fast enough and I got tired of him complaining to me about it n I told him to get over it. He freaked out basically n I ignored him for the rest of the night. The next day came and I answered him. I was still butt hurt about the night before so I wasn't very nice. He made me talk about it though and eventually he said he'd leave me alone for a couple days. At first I said okay but he kept talking and was really nice n I told him he didn't have to go for a couple days. After that he said ok and that his dad needed his phone back (his phone had run out of minutes) and he hasn't said anything since. It's been basically a week and I don't know if I should keep waiting or move on because he just might not come back. Oh and his dad let's him have his phone every night so him not saying anything isn't because he can't get ahold of me. So what's your opinion?


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How far away from you is this guy?
Find someone better, I'm sure you can and good luck xx
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Just move on he's left you sort of "dangling",so when he does eventually condescend to contact you,just play it cool. Remember as one door closes another opens. Best of luck.
Forget him------sounds a total prawn to me, and extremely juvenile.
Agree with all of the above.
Sounds like he is quite immature and needy or controlling. If you find that behaviour too much (I would) then you may not be the best match for each other.
Its simple. The answer to "Should I move on?" is always yes!
For God's is called a "lover's tiff"...everybody has them, couples madly in love, happily married is NORMAL.

Yes, if you want to carry on the relationship, you will just HAVE to wait.
Yes you should!
Have you contacted him in the week? Or are you waiting for him to click his fingers?
if you're fighting about texting speeds, what happens when you disagree over something important?

Relationships need a fairly high tolerance level on both sides, and it doesn't sound as if that's the case here. It doesn't actually matter that there's no "correct" time for responding to texts, what matters is that you're each content with the way the other does things - and clearly he's not.
If he is making unreasonable demands on you so early in a "relationship" he is a control freak, and will only get worse. He sounds very immature, and is probably two-faced - presenting you with his best side when he wants something. Don't hang about until you see his worst side - find someone else, quick.

Move on, yes, and somewhere along the way try and get a life!
If you have to ask about moving on then the answer has to be yes, find someone more tolerant and understanding

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