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Following On From My Badminton Post.

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Tilly2 | 22:17 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
What sporting/energetic activities do you take part in?

Please try to keep it reasonably clean. Sex does not count.


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I walk the dogs and keep them in order, do my garden and what ever else needs doing unless I cba. I have never ever played any sport unless under duress ie at school. I used to ride but the knees no longer allow it.
jno - Spot on!! The last place I thought of looking for them :-)
Walk to the local shop and usual household activities, endless vacuuming and dusting now that the house is up for sale.
JJ....yeah Giro d'Italia time tradition among my online cycling amigos Pink/rosa for Il Giro, Jaune pour Le Tour and Red for the Vuelta a Espagna..... That is Alberto Contador, multiple grand tour winner and my current cycling hero
Walking, Trekking and Climbing Tilly. Love the outdoors.
Kayaking, cycling, hiking, horse riding and swimming/sailing although I can`t do those at the moment due to shoulder trouble.
Oh lord slapshot, we are up to our necks in the Grand Depart in Yorkshire, I'm a bit cheesed off with it already.

i go swimming whenever i feel the need - and i love ten-pin bowling
Horse-riding, dog-walking, gardening, swimming for myself. Sometimes paintballing, quasar, bowling etc with children.
woofgang - we must be related! Same for me, but I do have some gym equipment e.g. recliner chair, manual corkscrew, remote controls for most things, poop-scoopers etc. I also wash both cars and occasionally slide down the bannister if I have lost my duster.
I polish my stocks energetically.
AYG...... Grand Depart's are immense fun.... i loved the two Ive been to, unfortunately wont get to Leeds..... embrace it...soooooo much more fun than football
Sailing (proper sailing, not this lazy motorboat business) and swimming.
They sort of go together really...

Otherwise i am lazy.i love being lazy but get the urge now and then to, well, move.

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