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Farage Hit By Egg

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scooping | 14:46 Thu 01st May 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The debate reaches new intellectual peak


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How's the egg ?
Newark is an anagram
Hope it was a British free range non-brown egg
Now what could that be Zeuhl ;o)
The protester, said he went to Tesco's and bought some eggs, whata waste of an egg if you ask me.
I hope it wasn't some Eastern Bloc imported egg coming over here and doing the job our own eggs should be doing.
what would the protester care, if it has been Prescott he would have lamped the bloke
ah yes, very amusing assault?
I don't like that sort of thing, completely unnecessary whoever and of whatever political persuasion.
My brother stays in Nottingham - wonder what he was doing earlier today.

It is mighty chilly north of the border today ;-(
I reckon that 'Fred from Nottingham' could well have been egged on by folk who wish to tarnish Nigel.

Graham-W...LOL at 16.01 today !
well from the picture in the link it looks like they are decent british eggs

> Tesco Free Range Eggs. These freshly laid Tesco free range eggs come from

carefully selected British farms that ensure high standards of both hen

andenvironmental welfare. Our hens enjoy a cereal based vegetarian diet and are

free to roam outdoors during the day. The Lion Quality mark guarantees that the

eggs have been laid in the UK and produced to the highest standards of food

safety. All Lion Quality eggs are date stamped for freshness. Our hens have

been vaccinated against salmonella.

The Lion Quality mark guarantees that these eggs have been laid in the UK and produced to the highest standards of food safety. All Lion quality eggs are date stamped for freshness. These hens have been vaccinated against salmonella.

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Farage Hit By Egg

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