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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:43 Wed 07th May 2014 | ChatterBank
233 Answers
Wednesday. Rain during the night. I can cope with that!

Some odd clouds about, but we will see some sun today. Yesterday was nice and sunny, but the breeze was cool keeping the temperature down a bit.

Foxy looked a bit bedraggled when he came to get his supper. He eat it though!

Tiggy followed abut an hour later, so all is well.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Good plan gness! :o}

Morning frank. All well?
Morning folks.... back to work after a cracking weekend away taking photos.... Powercut last night so slept in, not a great start to the day!

Have a good day
All's good here, a bit wet this morning, but doesn't look too bad for later. Hope everyone else is well today?
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Fine thanks frank.

Morning slappy. I'm glad you had a good time. Feeling a bit more relaxed now then? :o}
morning frank.
morning gness. that's a good option.

balders. you need everything. don't let them take the bits you need.
Morning, LadyJ...x
life outside is a bit dangerous. think i'll go and spend it in the polytunnel. when I've finished on here of course.
I don't have a polytunnel but I so have a little walk in greenhouse now... I shall go and sit in there and we can write each other letters.....☺
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What a nice idea. :o}

Time to make a move, much as I'd like to stay and enjoy your company. There are things that have to be done and it's me wots gotta do em.

Have a happy day everyone. See you tomorrow gness? And LJ of course along with all the usual suspects. :o} xxx
Bye, Boaty....will be along if it's bright and sunny and I'm in the land of the awake.....have a good day.....xx
bye boaty. have a god day.

gness it doesn't take long. it only has three sections not dozens. it's more just standing there, sheltering from the rain and not doing the housework.
dear gness - you'll never guess where I am just now. sorry about the writing but there is nowhere to sit at the moment and my writing standing up has to suffer. did you . . . . . . . . . .
Dear I didn't....your advice on that matter was excellent.... but perhaps on Thursday I will see things in a different light.
Am sending you a three legged stool.....fourth leg will follow when the neighbour fires it back over the fence....
Love Gx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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