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I'm Trying Not To Snigger...

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EcclesCake | 18:46 Wed 07th May 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Someone I know is currently staying at The Dorchester. She is crowing on Facebook about her upgrade and seems to be completely oblivious to the press coverage!

She's a lovely girl but not always instep with popular opinion :-(


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Perhaps I should have said I don't know whether to laugh or cry....

Snigger sounds bitchier than I meant.
I think there are other ways to protest at the Sultan of Brunai than to target the hard working people in the Dorchester Hotel. I love R Branson`s comment that he would never put his employees up in the Dorchester. As if!
I hope she has a good time
I'd be sniggering too!
A friend of mine used to be a chef there. I`m sure it`s very nice, but not as nice as Claridges ;-)
It must be lovely having a whole hotel to yourself though....
i have stopped eating choccy if it has sultans in it
you don't sound bitchy, you sound jealous, an upgrade is an upgrade so good luck to her.
You can get deals at the Dorchy?

Fabbers. Tempting, tempting ...

Gah, I'm supposed to be away this weekend.

Thinks, thinks ...
You might get a deal if you are in the travel industry and they want you to spread the word. If not, then don`t hold your breath JJ.
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Don't do it JJ.

Coworth Park had a mini demo this week!
Coworth Park in Sunningdale ??

People in Sunningdale don't demonstrate, do they ?
Oh, sod it, I'm not that bothered.

Although a bit of hotel action somewhere would be nice.
I too am boycotting the Dorchester
So, good time to make an offer for a roof suite for the weekend, with a few pals?

Gambling at the London Grosvenor, bit of supper, crash in a roof suite.


Call it fifty quid.


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