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Scented Candles

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slinky.kate | 17:33 Thu 08th May 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
bought them in aldi's today,£1.79 for 24,it was 6 extra free,just lit three and they smell gorgeous,it is the tropical ones I got,a great buy..


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Do they not give you headaches after a while?

I love all the scented candles, but have to snuff them out after about half an hour as It becomes overbearing. I have to stick with unscented ones now.
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ooh' that's a shame ,they do smell quite strong but I like them
I'll never forget being in the Jo Malone shop in Edinburgh when a reluctant Husband who had been dragged in spotted the price tag on a candle.

This wasn't any old candle it was like the cheese/cake thingies in Trivial Pursuit. Six or so individual candles, each with a different scent, in a chromed type was not far off £200. His comment was "Why don't I just burn the money, it amounts to the same?"

I had to agree with him.
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and I thought my yankee candle was dear at £25.
Kate, I love scented candles, I have a few of the aldi ones too, I particularly like ones that smell of linen or beaches, not so fond of heavily scented cloying ones.
I love the jo Malone pomegranate noir, hits just the right tone for me..not that I buy it myself, one of my daughters in law is hooked on scented candles and gives me her cast offs. I currently have a lemon merangue one from her, which smells better than it sounds.
£200!?!? Crikey, I agree with him too.
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they little tea candles lasted for 3 and a 1/2 hours,not bad eh????

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