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marval | 21:32 Sat 03rd May 2014 | Jokes
36 Answers
What three words mean small?

Is it in?


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"Don't bring in Prince Harry, James Hewitt is apparently 'hung like a detergent bottle' so they say."
Isn't Bertha married to Richard?
under the microscope ?
meanwhile in Albas shed...
And she said ....Is It In !
Albs shed overlooked Jogger Jayne's bathroom, where Jogger was taking a shower, the soap in hand and.....
oops whiskas has just beaten me with her line.
her loofahwas going up and down her ....back
Her razor was going up and down....
meanwhile at minty's naughty step saloon.....
minty flicked on the switch of the small....
of the vibrating object...
she took hold of its shaking shaft, fingers gripping it firmly, that sexy way that only minty could, and........
and thrust it so far....
...then the door-bell rang. "It's young Bates here!" said the visitor.....
Oh it's him that's got a weeny problem......

(sorry wolf's thread got to me!).

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