Anyone had one of the above? I am almost 7 weeks post op, still in constant pain and still relying on large amounts of pain relief. Is this normal? Yesterday a new type of pain appeared ... like electric shocks from collar bone to shoulder ....... is this nerves reconnecting? TIA
Thanks for the response Sqad ........... not seen consultant again yet as was told would be 3 months post op before appointment made. Was second procedure as previously sub acromial decompression and ac excision didn't help - so did same again. Also removed some bone spurs on both occasions. I am taking Tramadol and Cocodamol still for the pain .......... does this cover the nerve pain also, or do I need to take something different.
If Tramadol and Co-Codamol do not relieve the pain, then a rethink will be needed.....increase in dose or change over of regime.
Yes, they should be effective with nerve pain.
It sounds as though your shoulder is " knackered" but that is by the by, as you need to see your GP re. pain relief regime.
My son had arthoscopy done on his shoulder twice and still have pain 2 years on.
I had 2 total shoulder replacements early 2000's where one is fine the other gives me regular pain but in my mind is the way to go when Arthroscopy doesn't work.
Sorry your in so much pain.....and yes I had the nerve pain like pins and needles
GP agreed nerve pain in addition to usual pain ...... continuing amitryptiline rather than cutting it out as she thinks this should cover the nerve pain better than just the exciting pain relief.